Study different material first and learn to paint it on your miniatures
In this masterclass a small group of students will be guided by Roman to learn everything on the topic "Material & Texture".
After this workshop you will have tons of tools and massive knowledge at your hands to paint any material with no questions left.
All material, tools and a miniature is provided by the teacher.
You just need to bring your own brushes and wet palettes.
This group masterclass coaching will have 3-5 students and is a perfect setup to work with individual coaching by Roman.
Minimum number of students: 3
Language: german
Main topics
- Learn in depth basics and ways to analyze different material in theory lessons
- Learn how to treat easy to difficult volumes in different materials
- Learn to use a "Grisaille" underpainting for your miniatures to focus on different materials
- Learn to paint skin, leather, different fabrics, metals, hair, fur, glossy and matte surfaces and more!
- First day is a day full of studying with a lot of theory while the second day is mainly application and painting day
- Each student will recieve a limited Spira Mirabilis Bust "The King of Thule" as an exclusive workshop bust to train all lessons
Student level: Advanced
For this class you should be prepared with an advanced skill level. You should know about zenital light, basic color theory, contrast range and how to create a blending.
Download Info PDF
General Workshop Conditions
- The workshop will only take place with sufficient bookings.
- The earlier you register, the better we can plan.
- You confirm your seat by your full payment for workshops, group masterclasses and private coachings.
- Cancellations made less than 2 weeks prior to the workshop must pay the full price.
- Cancellations made earlier will be fully reimbursed.
- If the workshop is cancelled by our side, you will get 100 % of your payments reimbursed.
- As soon as there are enough registrations or in case of a cancellation, you will get a message.
You will always be informed.
You can find our terms of service here.
If you have any questions leave us a message.
------------ german version -----------
Allgemeine Workshop-Bedingungen
- Der Workshop findet nur bei ausreichenden Buchungen statt.
- Je früher Sie sich anmelden, desto besser können wir planen.
- Sie bestätigen Ihren Platz durch Ihre vollständige Zahlung für Workshops, Gruppen-Masterclasses und Privatcoachings.
- Bei Stornierungen weniger als 2 Wochen vor dem Workshop muss der volle Preis bezahlt werden.
- Frühere Stornierungen werden vollständig erstattet.
- Wenn der Workshop von unserer Seite abgesagt wird, erhalten Sie 100 % Ihrer Zahlungen zurückerstattet.
- Sobald es genügend Anmeldungen gibt oder im Falle einer Absage, erhalten Sie eine Nachricht.
Sie werden immer informiert.
Hier finden unsere weiteren AGBs.
Sollten sie Fragen haben, schreiben sie uns.
Sign up and I will contact you if a seat becomes available.